My top 5 articles from 2024
What did you really like ? Answer from the stats…
I really like analyzing how my publications perform over the year, as it provides a good overview of your areas of interest, what you like, and what you don’t.
There are, however, some biases in these stats since I actively promote some of my posts on my networks (LinkedIn or Instagram), which affects the final numbers.
No surprises here — GenAI generated many views last year, and the top article is my attempt to generate a profile picture using DALL·E.
The second most-viewed article is the one where I share some very cool and free OSM tools you can use in your daily life and projects.
The third most-viewed article is about my 2024 productivity system. Clearly, I’m not the only one looking to improve efficiency in daily life! Stay in touch — I’ll be publishing my updated productivity system soon.
The fourth article is about my personal Notion activity management template. I decided to make it public for anyone seeking an easier way to manage complex and diverse activities.
Last but not least, a deeply personal article explores the relationship between sports, endurance sports, and professional life. In my opinion, this is my best article from last year’s writing.
I published many more (interesting :D) articles you can still visit :